Either way, I am done now. Thank you for watching. If you are new here, click the follow button to follow along, check out all the links below the stream. We got Sloth Hoodies, we got subscribe, we got tips, we got YouTube, we got Instagram, Twitter, Jinx. If you haven't checked out my latest YouTube video, I just put up one about my vanilla WoW characters and what's in their bank. Bit of a nostalgia trip, check that one out. Also... I guess I could also fire him if I wanted to lower my team value, which might actually help a bit. So, I don't know. I think about it. Also thanks to everybody who subscribed, and resubscribed, and donated, and dropped bits. I appreciate all of it. And, yeah. Thanks for watching. Hopefully I helped you fall asleep. Hopefully chilled you out a bit. Calmed your anxieties. Had some fun. Had some goofs. Had some gaffes. Either way, thank you for watching. We are back tomorrow. Yeah. Ok? Ok. See ya!
JurassicBarkS4E7 : goodnight
Noodlestein : BibleThump
MataNui95 : crendorSleeper crendorHigh
DevTwoThousand : Thanks for streaming, Crendor! <3
MataNui95 : !info
Moobot : Follow the stream to be alerted when Crendor goes live! Also, check out these links! YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/crendor Twitter: http://twitter.com/crendor Facebook: http://facebook.com/crendor Instagram: http://instagram.com/crendorwastaken
Buugar : KINDA
Capn_K_ : <3 <3 <3
Triago26 : thats not a norse, that's an elf in underwear
Cervarian : fairFeels
MataNui95 : !subscribe
Moobot : Subscribing gets you a cool crensloth subscriber badge, a virtual high-five, 20 emotes, and more! http://ow.ly/Yxlmy
MataNui95 : !discord
Moobot : Hey nerd We have a Discord server (both text and voice channels). You can even use our Twitch emotes! PogChamp Join u https://discord.me/crendor
PizzaGateIsTrue : was a good stream
Buugar : @MataNui95, tell us a tale
MataNui95 : !goodnight
Moobot : Need some relaxing ASMR? Need Crendor whispering sweet nothings in your ear as you lie awake in the dark? Check out another of Crendor's channel https://www.youtube.com/GoodnightCrendor
Superbo120 : crendorSleeper crendorHigh crendorFive crendorWuh bye crendor
cloudsora : @Crendor, Came here from that vid lol
NamikoChan : @Crendor, do you plan on playing elysium?
MataNui95 : @Buugar, Once there was a nerd who streamed bloodbowl
Oceanman_TakeMeBytheHand : you missed nerdvicta BibleThump @buugar
MataNui95 : He had ridiculously good luck and won lots of games
Buugar : BibleThump
justinsix : night crendor thanks for the stream!
MataNui95 : He also was a nerd and had to go to bed sometimes and stop streaming
Buugar : good tale
justinsix : I was editing videos with you in the background haha
Kingsanitarium : crendorFive crendorBlind crendorHigh
Noodlestein : bleedPurple BibleThump
Sai_Maa : Neat that you and Sam have put more BB content on lately.
Alright everybody. So that was a quick stream. I just wanted to stream the game I played. Have a little fun. Having an earlier stream. But I'll be streaming again later, so... yeah. Thanks for watching. If you are new here, click the follow button to follow along, and check out all the links below the stream. And thanks to everybody who subscribed, and resubbed and dropped bits. I appreciate all that. And yeah. Ok? Ok. See ya!
EinFassMet : ah ty
DangerousMuteLunatic : 150k is too little for that
quads_4 : @meowingtonz672, do you mean rounds in a game? 8 per half 2 halfs so 16
basedozr : GG
CorthezBlake : shut up, ronin!
AdverseAspect : Did Crendor say where he's going?
meowingtonz672 : lol
FoolOfMadness : Streaming tomorrow?
AdverseAspect : inb4 Ikea
Deadeye1478 : out with a friend
Either way. I am done now. So thank you for watching. If you are new here, again, click the follow button to follow along, be alerted when I go live. Also, check out all the links below the stream. There is Sloth Hoodies, there is subscribe, there is tips, there is YouTube, there is Instagram, there is Twitter, there is Jinx, there is Facebook. You got it all down there. Also, thanks to everybody who did subscribe, and resubscribe, and donate, and dropped bits. I appreciate all of it. And we will be back tomorrow. Ok? Ok. Who are we going to host? Is there anyone on I know? Is EXBC on? Let's see. They are sub-badge designing. Alright, we are gonna host EXBC. Alright. Thank you for watching. Ok? Ok. See ya!
Deathmaster800 : yes
Wolfefla1 : by owning the game
Deathmaster800 : by a landslide
Wolfefla1 : pre nurgle relesase
Zedrasil : Yeti Ditka will never surpass the Lizard Ditka
ShatteredIce : @Bravely_defaulting, got 4 injuries in one turn
ShatteredIce : @Bravely_defaulting, one of which was a death
Emictavice : crendorFive crendorPizza crendorHigh
Bravely_defaulting\s : Oh wow
thebhaalist : Will Yeti Ditka ever surpass Big Mac Kappa
Drakhanas : !discord
Moobot : Hey nerd We have a Discord server (both text and voice channels). You can even use our Twitch emotes! PogChamp Join u https://discord.me/crendor
Xephizer : sbzyFeedMe
LancerEagle : Lizard Ditka, the ultimate Ditka
BronzePanda : !crendor
remedy232 : I have really thought about getting this game but I can never decide. lel
Moobot : Crendor (The Nerd) is a machinima/non-content based YouTuber and Twitch streamer. His nerdy YouTube videos focus primarily on World of Warcraft and other Blizzard games, while his nerdy streaming includes many different games and game types. For more info, check out his links underneath the stream.
SirIronclad13 : @DraggoonLord People who bought the game at release got all the races up to now for free.
Anguyen92ab : All right, take care all.
Bravely_defaulting\s : So even worse than the skink massacre
Raymone2 : cya Crendor and chat
BrantWarder : crendorFive crendorNerd crendorHigh
adavader : bye guys crendorHigh
Losingmastered : BibleThump /
Stewbedale : bye crendor
Emictavice : crendorFive CoolStoryBob crendorHigh
QuintessenceOfMe : !uptime
Moobot : The nerd has been live for: 4h 49m 53s
TBearrr : all DLC last year was free if you owned the game before the race came out
BronzePanda : LOVE YOU ALL
Slipkrit96 : crendorSleeper crendorHigh
ShatteredIce : @Bravely_defaulting, this was him massacre'ing the other team, just to clarify :)
Monstructor : Later
QuintessenceOfMe : Early Crendor stream? ARgh.
I think we are done here. Thank you everyone for watching. Thank you to everybody who subscribed, and resubscribed, and dropped bits, that was the most bits I think I have ever seen in a stream in the four years that I have streamed. Uh... so thank you everybody, I appreciate it a lot. Uh... a lot a lot actually. And I'ma use some of those to go buy donuts. Uh... it's gonna be great. And donations, cause a couple people donated, cause they heard it's like: 'Why not.' Zoidberg 5 bits, enjoyed the stream, have a good night, Crendodge. Thank you, Zoidberg. Uhm... uh... also if you are new here, click the follow button to follow along and be alerted when I go live, whenever Twitch actually decides to work and let people know that I go live. Uh... and, yeah. Uh... Donkey Kong stream tomorrow. It's gonna be good, it's gonna be fun. Come along for the ride. Get your popcorn. Get your Papa Jon's. Uh... get it all. And, uh... I don't think I missed any subs or donations or bits or anything like that. If I did, I am sorry. Just tell me next time and I'll be like: 'Yo.' Cause I asked already and then forgot again, so, uh... yeah. Ok? Ok. See ya!
xaaaf : landslide can beethoven is great lol
Zoidberg2142 : Muxy5 enjoyed the stream, have a good night crendoge
prh_99 : Enjoy the donuts. Thanks for streaming.
gerald_bud : crendorSleeper crendorHigh
Troggie : Is a tallulah host in the works?! @Crendor Kippa [misstyped Kappa]
Revanite20 : Night fellow nerds
Xyxtus : NO, Thank You @Crendor good night
Cerabret100 : going to work on them ad bits for tomorrow
rafide : have a nice day
Evanism : Dognuts!
Dos3d : donuts hype
forty4dragon : Goodnight Crens!
Stewbedale : cya crendawg enjoy the donuts
silfa144 : night crendor!! night everyone
The0nly1ne : Bitnuts
Chili0Man : RIP for the fallen from the bit war Kappa
Naoki2534 : U+1F44C
Yaroslavsky : @LancerEagle Good one!
Revanite20 : @chili0man there can be only one crendorSkittles
Let's get the three die. Uh... nice. Except not nice, because he has Block as well. I didn't even realize that. Cool. Alright, let's blitz this guy. There we go. Ah! I got an injury. Whelp, broke his ribs. Takethedamage1 resubbing four months in a row. Thanks takethedamage1. One, two, three, four! Swag. And said Crencats in the chat please. I see that is why there is all the Crencats in the chat. Makes sense. Uh... and tymochranus just subscribed. Thanks tymochranus. Swag. Shit, and you rolled an eighteen, you rolled only two away from a twenty. He's just got some crazy Witchelfs. One crazy Witchelf at least. Uh.... My thing is, right... uh... yeah, it's hard to be self-motivating. That is one of the hardest things about YouTube in general. Every time, every time I make like a machinima video, or anything that requires like a decent amount of time to be put into it, I'm like: 'Wow. That was so easy. Why don't I do this more often?' And then you like fall back into the like, just the mindset of like 'Oh my god. I gotta do a thing.' And then you just get lazy with it. Shit! Uhm... my thing is, this is what I just said, my thing is, uh... with like YouTubers and streamers and stuff right, a lot of YouTubers have written books. And most of the time when they write a book they are like: 'I am YouTuber, YouTuber Ben and I am writing a book about my life.' Or they write a book like 'Ben's crazy adventures. Ben457 blogger and my blog adventures', and it's just like a bunch of things like: 'This one time I made a blog about going to the park' and it's like a page about them going to the park. It's like dude... I don't know. Like I was just like I just want to write like a real like book. Like a novel. You know? Like I don't want to be like: 'Hey, I have a following. So I'm gonna write a book about like... I don't know. What would I... just like the, 'How To Be A YouTuber', or like 'The Non-content Chronicles' or some shit. Like, as much as I enjoy non-content, I wouldn't wanna write a book about it. You know? Unless there was just a book filled with pages of nothing. In which case, that would be worth writing. That would be funny. But I think people have Broke his jaw. Yeah, that's my like pet peeves things. I don't wanna write about myself really. Cause I feel like a lot of YouTubers and people do that and I'm just like: 'Why?' And I get why. It is gonna sell. But I don't want... Ass! I don't wanna write a book that is just gonna sell, I wanna write a book that is like: 'Yo dog. That was a good book. That was a good story. That was a good world. I enjoyed that book.' Something where not just people that watch me would pick it up, and be like: 'Hihi. This is a Crendor original.' Something where somebody would pick it up and be like: 'Shit dude. I don't even know who this is, but this is a good book.' You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? I don't even know... here is the thing, right. So many YouTubers, right. I'm doing like, I'm doing this thing: 'So many YouTubers. So many... let me tell you something.' So many YouTubers are like: 'I am so busy, guys. I am the most busy person I think you have ever met in your life. You haven't met me but if you did you'd be like: 'Wow, that is the busiest person I have ever met in my life.' And I don't... I have never thought of myself as like a super busy person, for doing YouTube and streaming. Right? Like, when I think about it, most people go to school, or work their job for like at least eight hours, right? And then they spend some time in traffic, which is like what? Another hour or two, depending? That is already like nine ten hours your day. To me, that is busy. Right? And then they like go do stuff, like be social, like 'Ah I gotta talk to my family, I gotta go out with my friends. Blah blah. That is already like already a bunch of stuff to do. I'm not busy. Like... like, I don't know. Comparatively, I don't consider myself busy. So whenever YouTube people are like: 'Ah man, I was so busy I'd like render a video yesterday.', it's like, yeah but you can do other things while your video renders. I don't know. I think a lot of YouTubers and... uh... Ass! Not Protective Charm! Ok, no long term effect. No long term effect. I think a lot of YouTubers like to pretend... they have this false sense of business. I don't feel like you're busy at all, Crendor. Here is the thing, uh... it doesn't feel like I am busy a lot of time, cause I break up what I do as well. Like for example, uh... it's more, yeah... it's more of like time management. More than anything. Oh shit! I could have blocked with him.
Vul_shock : @Crendor be self motivating?
Vul_shock : That is such a hard skill to have sometimes
Moobot : tymochranus just subscribed! You rolled an 18!
Y0urfirstb0rn : holy....
Pilatian : danLUL
BMCarts : best 3 die block ever
Zandandido : crendorFive crendorWuh crendorHigh
Strelet : does anyone know if there will be a new crendorian invitational?
Eventia : Vul_shock, Worth it if you develop it, though
theSLiKbandit : PogChamp
Dimensionalshadow : So it begins
vladtet909 : Already off to a good start. Kappa
Losingmastered : First time I managed to get a triple die block it was triple skull FeelsBadMan
snejj : crendorCat crendorCat crendorCat crendorCat crendorCat crendorCat crendorCat crendorCat
crendorCat crendorCat crendorCat crendorCat
salttea7 : @Rave_Digger Well expect the steelheart books
El_Bearsidente : those are all ship names, aren't they
Hirokeuchi : If I remember right, I injured this guy's assassin
Revanite20 : crendorCat
Jdpettit : i think "bad luck bois" is a ploy to lull people off guard...
Oceanman_TakeMeBytheHand : OSsloth
Dimensionalshadow : I think so Bear
tymochranus : where do I see what I rolled crendor?
straightgamesta : assassins are overrated players IMO
cloudsora : OH Right @Crendor you should check out Matt Colville as youtube and his books.
Dimensionalshadow : Under the sub notification Tymo
tymochranus : ahhh
Vul_shock : Completely agree @Eventia I have been trying recently to make myself learn stuff like
premiere and so far I've been doin good. The next step is to motivate myself to upload it to
Rave_Digger : @salttea7 yeah I just got the 3rd one and the only connection is Calamity is like
Ruin and Honor etc.
Eventia : Vul_shock, And then to keep that motivation going
UndeadZamiel : I'm pretty sure they just have ghostwriters
tymochranus : crendorSkittles
Dimensionalshadow : lol
greencrayon582 : a lot of those books are trash ugh
cloudsora : @Crendor It's a fantasy book, he's a game writer
SteelStitch : heyo
Vul_shock : I know Ashens wrote a book but I didn't know that it was common practice
Darke_Imp : It's funny cuz a lot of youtubers have made me more motivated heh 4Head
Deathmaster800 : Oh god a deathroller with Pileon
Emictavice : The park crendorPog
MataNui95 : That was one crazy nostalgic WoW trip @Crendor
filiptod : That's a joke... that's like that Snooky writing a book and bragging about it... it's bs
MataNui95 : You could sell those cookies for millinos of gold
Dimensionalshadow : Write a book about Sloths
straightgamesta : florida man
Vul_shock : Also out of curiosity what is the difference between a novel and a novella?
freaker_one : "Crendors Bizarre IKEA Adventures"
TinaTaru : Hello @MataNui95
El_Bearsidente : people who're barely 30 writing biographies. Thank you internet.
7trektoe : Write a non-content book
7trektoe : Nvm [nvm is an abbreviation of "never mind"]
Rashmanic : you dont want to write about yourself, essentially
Bitesizedeth : Writing about non content, becomes content.
MataNui95 : @TinaTaru, Hell oTina! How are you?
Jdpettit : @vul_shock length i think
Vul_shock : @freaker_one That would be a great choose your own adventure book
The27thKnight : The Adventures of Florida Sloth OSsloth
TinaTaru : I am okay. Currently studying
SwiftHenemaru : Never forget that Ashens wrote 50 Pages of Grey.
SwiftHenemaru : It's 50 pages of the word grey repeated over and over.
MataNui95 : @TinaTaru, Typical post-grad student
Emictavice : Welp there we go better than whopper
neonbandicoot : @crendor if they made a movie about your life, who would you want to be casted
to play as you?
Dimensionalshadow : What are you studying TIna?
Reiches : Some Dark Elf team conceded against my Chaos, it wasnt even close to half time
UndeadZamiel : I don't want ASSSS
Eventia : Reading about a youtuber's life sounds like the most boring thing ever
TinaTaru : Typical ;-;
freaker_one : crendor 2k17
Ergoliv : god that move was stoopid
TinaTaru : Medchem
The27thKnight : 50 sloths of Crendor PogChamp
Pilatian : Reiches maybe they just didn't want you to make their team unviable to play lirikP
QuintessenceOfMe : You could have a brand of empty notebooks, for people to use to write in, like
Crendor's Noncontent Notebooks.
Dimensionalshadow : Oh sounds fun
Militantbralor : Crendor, Call your book "non content" and write a story about something fantastical
TinaTaru : Nope it's horrible
Modustrollens69 : I got 3 concedes in a row, since I added a Dirty Player on my team
Vul_shock : @Crendor I can understand that, you want something that people can immerse
themselves into the world you made.
Dimensionalshadow : You can do it Tina
Necronikolai13 : i would read 50 Sloths of Crendor
TheRealZereleth : @Crendor, Will you author it as "crendor"
Notsonew : those books are just youtubers trying to cash in on their fans. those are the only people
who would buy it anyways
DesmondDentresti : You dont want to publish a book of non-content
Rave_Digger : If you publish an empty book and someone already made an empty book is it still
considered plagiarizing :thinking:
MataNui95 : @TinaTaru, I sure jope you end up liking it
tymochranus : sadly theres no one to make it rainbow
Reiches : @Pilatian, i have a pretty fresh team
Camioddi : "non content adventure" by crendor
RedSnt : Preach
TinaTaru : So busy
Camioddi : I like it Kappa
TinaTaru : Wow
Zandandido : @Crendor Maybe write a novel under a pen name.
Chocolate_Burrito : you have a busy person face
RaistlanSol : i am the busiest person i have ever met in your life?
Vul_shock : @Crendor you are channeling your inner Sam there .3. ...... that was mean
Vul_shock : me not you
TinaTaru : I will never like it mata :c
MataNui95 : @TinaTaru, Why the heck are you studying it
Cek415 : school 6 work 8
Emictavice : Not having alarms wake you up is the difference between being busy or not
Losingmastered : Well they don't work the full 8 hours though, the number of people you hear are
doing other stuff while they're suppose to be working DansGame
TinaTaru : I don't feel like you're busy at all Crendor xD
TinaTaru : @MataNui95 Cause it's part of my curriculum
straightgamesta : they render their videos by hand doe, Crendor!
Eventia : Crendor, Sounds like a lot of youtubers are bad at time management
Emictavice : It's what differentiates my work and vacation mornings, my damn alarm
RedSnt : @Crendor do you have a dedicated machine for rendering? Or just the computer you're on
Darke_Imp : Some Youtubers seem legitimately busy all the time though. Like Jirard. He runs an
office on top of all the shows and podcasts he records and appearances he does..
Moobot : Follow the stream to be alerted when Crendor goes live! Also, check out these links!
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/crendor Twitter: http://twitter.com/crendor Facebook:
http://facebook.com/crendor Instagram: http://instagram.com/crendorwastaken
The27thKnight : not all youtubers Kappa
Camioddi : guess his charm didnt work Kappa
Vul_shock : @Eventia time management is also one of those super important skills
Let's get up here. Uh... Get him down here. Let's get some hits on Dr. Dre. Damn. Alright. And now we blitz. Everybody rotate down. Hm, question is... I mean I can blitz this Skink and get the two die, but I also wanna be able to score next turn, so I have to like get out in the back. You know what? I think I'll be fine. Re-roll it. I wanna see some defender... oh my god! I just re-rolled double Push into double Skull. Ass, clown, pizza, shit, ass. You gotta be kidding me. Strippin, do you get SPPs for surfing? No, you don't. It's... it's the same like kinda bane like fouling. It gets... it like just rolls an injury for them and you get nothing for it. Alright, we plugged the hole. No one may pass. No! They're going around the side! On the bright side, this is his turn that he received the ball on, so I mean he is not gonna score. So that's good. Unless he does some crazy shit right here. But I also have my wizard, so even if he does... Are you shitting me? Alright, we're gonna have to use the wizard. We're gonna have to bust out the wizard right now. This god damn Skink, dude. And he even rolled a six on the pick up. Yeah, I don't even have any guys that can reach there. Wait, what? Oh my god. I meant to use Dodge, and then I didn't use it. Oh my... Is he playing with Spamfish? Why does this guy sound so much like Spamfish? I don't even know who that is. It's a bit of racist really, because Spamfish is just English. That's... Oh. That's it. Just an English guy. Alright. Well. Step... oh my god, I just stood him up before even using the wizard. Honestly, I'm not even like Spamfish, really. He is much more Cockney than I am. CarrieBakes thanks you for the three months. Appreciate the love. Welcome to Strip Club. Thank you very much, and uhm... viridicium with the four months. Thank you viri. Falling apart here. Falling apart. Alright, let's get some points on this last turn. There we go. All you Australians sound the same? You're right mate. That's it. That's it, mate. We sound the fucking same, don't we? Ok. Alright. Get him down here. Beautiful. They are trying to get through. Here we go. Beautiful. Keep it rolling. Come on. You shall not pass! Ok. And now I am kinda scared that these guys, uhm... I'd rather just, uh... can he even reach there? Shit. He can. You know what? Screw it. I'm just gonna zap him. What? It didn't even... It didn't even, uh... stun him or anything. Oh my god. You better drop that ball, son. Oh my god. Nuffle please. Fail this pick up. Fail pick up. FuryRyan94 resubbing seventeen months in a row. Yeah baby, seventeen months. Hell yeah, dude. Well, I uh... I uh... He did manage to score. So that's great. Alright, I'm gonna have to kill some Skinks. Alright, lads. Secure the ball. Alright. Uh... thanks FuryRyan. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen. Swag. God damn. Move in for the kill, boys. God damn, dude. He is cornered. Like a rat. Everybody line up. Everybody line up. Surf's up. Surf's up chat. Alright. Crendor, do you ever stream WoW content? I did when Legion came out, but I haven't played WoW really that much lately. I kinda stream what I want. Oh my god. He can re-setup his defense? Nuffle please. Nuffle please. When will we see you and Sam play against each other? I mean whenever it matches us up. Yeah. It's pretty... pretty rare in that regard. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Poodmund : <message deleted>
Moobot : No links allowed (Poodmund) (warning)
Poodmund : Oh boo, I was trying to be helpful. :/
Moobot : Subscribing gets you a cool crensloth subscriber badge, a virtual high-five, 20 emotes, and
more! http://ow.ly/Yxlmy
thebhaalist : Rekt
SwiftHenemaru : THE GREED
SgtOddity : LOL
NexiKuro : crendorF crendorF crendorF crendorF crendorF
porkrot : waaaaw
dallas4life016 : das greeeed
Dunce9001 : praise nuffle
philippekav : should have dodge :P
equinox5991 : F riPepperonis
Halerand : whaa 1 game? butwha
nerfshamansplz : is he playing with spamfish? why does this guy sound so much like spamfish?
hi2424 : din't dodge LUL
Dunce9001 : no dodge buffoonery
nerfshamansplz : lol that's awkward
Lerronin : First the greed now no doge. crendorNotlikethis
meowingtonz672 : what's going on?
Gray007nl : CREEENNNN [although split into two, this was considered one statement]
Gray007nl : DAAAWWWGGG
vaindil : Gray DansGame
Gray007nl : Vaindil crendorNotlikethis
vaindil : I just got home and set my desktop back up, now my monitors are out of position and I
can't get them how I want them. crendorNotlikethis
FuryRyan94 : yeah baby 17 months :D
NexiKuro : gg boys
FuryRyan94 : crendorNotlikethis crendorNotlikethis
Warsmithkoala : KILL THE SKINKS
Gray007nl : Solid use of that lighting blot
Darke_Imp : Gray crendorFive crendorNerd
meowingtonz672 : crendor do you ever stream wow content?
Wereful : Sup nerds
Gray007nl : crendorSleeper crendorHigh Imp
Darke_Imp : :D
Johnny1cut : when will we see your & Sam playing against each other?
Uvahash : Well a suarus just scored because he caught it when all my players were knocked down
Uh, I could totally go for like... he's got a... I could take any... oh, I could take Dodge! Oh shit. I could get a fucking blodge Hobgoblin. That would be quite good.] That would be pretty good. Or I could get Guard. I feel like I would probably get... I would probably make him ball carrier. Here is the thing though, like the dwarves will get Guard anyway. I will take... yeah, let's take Dodge. Yeah. Oh, Justin is the text-to-speech voice that Cry uses to read bit messages. He sounds like a little boy, so everyone makes him say the lewdest messages and call Cry and Russ daddy. That's... that's really dumb. That's really... guys are really fucked up. Oh man, I am 10k of buying my dwarf back. That's a shame. Ok. Well, we just have to tough out the next game, I guess. Yeah, just tough it out. I'm queuing up, maybe we will get matched up. I'm queuing up, too. I'm... I'ma, hm... [unintelligible] A hundred and eighty, alright. Fifteen hundred bits from Stickiler, because I killed a player, but it was still a good game. GGs dude, you didn't have to pay for that. I mean I did win three nil. Thank you very much for the bits though. Appreciate the love. yaroslavsky with thirty four bits. Enjoy some Kappa foam in your bit cup. I don't know if I wanna like... just real quick try the Khemri before I commit. Uhm... To these two teams. That's true. Maybe try the Khemri out. Khemri are really fun dude. I'm gonna... I'm gonna make a Khemri team. Grimaizin with five bits. Last of my bits. Sam may have beaten us with numbers, but he is British and he loses in the end always anyway. Very low Agility. Average... Mummies that can fall apart. That's... well, the downside of having four five Strength guys is that your mummies are really fragile. What's your... What's your teams name? Decayers of the Lost Arc. Fucks sake... Crendor, I am sorry. I am out of bits until the payday. The war was well fought. Everyone, good job. I mean nobody should feel obligated to give bits. Like... Yeah... ever. Especially if you're like struggling with money. I wouldn't... definitely go against doing crazy stuff, but I appreciate all of it, guys. And you know what? We may have lost the battle, but we probably lost the war as well and we are retreating, but you know what? We only lost... We only lost like seven hundred good men. We'll go home. We'll have some tea. We'll go to Ikea. Alright, what's the Khemri TV. One thousand? And we'll sign a peace treaty. We just signed the peace treaty. We - Yeah. We initiated the ceasefire. We're... we're on the ceasefire. Yeah. Four Tomb Guardians. Alright. Laotose with ten bits. While the heroes are off to war, I'm at the home-front forging weapons and watching ads. Thank you, Laotose. Use the bit money to buy new carpets after Cat destroys your current ones. You know what? I probably will. Like honestly, I probably will. Not even joking about that one. I would say we could buy a new chair, but I don't think I wanna get rid of Chair, he's a good chair. He killed a guy that game. Yo chat, what is the rest of the Purple Cobras names? Oh shit, I am playing a dark elf team. Oh, yeah... they're... Blade. Make Sam's chat pay reparations in the form of bits like Britain did to use after World War One. Here is the thing, I... we won... we just won though. So - That's what you're saying. - you... you'll have to pay reparations to us. No. That doesn't make sense. Yes it does. That's not how it works. I think we've got... I think we're just gonna do puns of Ace... Acer. Around Za Warudo? What is Za Warudo? Uh... I'll take the ball. Loserlemby, a hundred bits. Just a bit more eh, eh? Thanks, loserlemby for the great bit pun. Dude, and I... you don't get any Throw-Ras to start with, do you? Five skellies. I think we just did... we just did Phaser. Let's move in here. And there. Do they stay in this pose while you play? What? The fucking weird pieces. Oh, yeah. They, uh... No, not while you play. They... they don't do it. You get one Throw-Ra. That's not what, uh... what the website is saying. Ok. Like the fact they have Sure Hands... So if you don't have that, you're going to have a bad time. I actually have two, but... that's pretty much if you want two Throw-Ras or two Blitz-Ras. I went with Throw-Ras. Uh... we want... Zeroshin five bits. Says 'Butts'. Thank you, Zeroshin. Oh man. Alright, last one is, uh... Alright, I'm ready. Hell yeah, let's beat up some elves. I already injured one. Boohya. Good start, good start.
nocturnalsquire : kappa?
Grimmaizin : Cheer5 The last of my bits, Sam may have beaten us with numbers. But, he is British and he loses in the end always anyway.
StalkingWeasel : @Crendor Sorry im out of bits until payday, the war was well fought everyone good job.
Hobo1001 : sam has what 5 times the viewers
LancerEagle : you were the noble vanguard of our forces Weasel, no one could have asked for better
Zoidberg2142 : weed1 weed2
Hobo1001 : f
Zoidberg2142 : weed1 weed2
Zoidberg2142 : weed3 weed4
ABFDV : Cheer10
Grimmaizin : We failed Crendoria
Hydrostatic_Shock : I don't feel obligated at all!
Grimmaizin : We commit Seppuku in the morning
Andaelas : How far ahead was Sam?
Moobot : Subscribing gets you a cool crensloth subscriber badge, a virtual high-five, 20 emotes, and more! http://ow.ly/Yxlmy
Oceanman_TakeMeBytheHand : crazy stuff is my middle name Kappa
Laotose : Cheer10 while the heros are of to war, i'm at the homefront forging weapons and watching ads
Yamsandjams : BibleThump
Necronikolai13 : i just got here... what happened? o.O
silfa144 : crendorFive crendorNotlikethis crendorHigh
Grimmaizin : We should start burning shit down on our way out though
Grimmaizin : PILLAGE
Mighthate : @Crendor, use the bit money to buy new carpets after your cat destroys your current ones
awesomepanda0501 : IKEA IS WAR. IKEA IS HELL
StalkingWeasel : crendorFive crendorChair crendorHigh
Zoidberg2142 : crendorFive crendorChair crendorHigh
salttea7 : The only loser in the bit war is Gmart
silfa144 : crendorFive crendorChair crendorHigh
TinaTaru : I wish I could study at ikea
Dimensionalshadow : For the free coffee Tina?
DeadSoldier8 : give bits for the rebuilding effort crendorKappa
LancerEagle : crendorFive crendorChair crendorHigh
ChalkStorm : use bits to but a new cat
Talismaniac77 : Buy your cat a new laundry basket.
Noiscin : HOLY FUCK
Grimmaizin : We need bits to rebuild after the Great Bit War
DraggoonLord : @crendor make Sam's chat pay reparations in the form of bits like Britain did to us after WW1 LUL
Noiscin : i GOT 'EM,
DraggoonLord : ZA WARUDO
Necronikolai13 : i'm so lost
SevenYearLaughter : TOKI WO TOMARE
Zoidberg2142 : crendorFish crendorFishline crendorFishline crendorFishhook crendorSkittles
Grimmaizin : @Crendor Sam should be charged with Bit War Crimes
SevenYearLaughter : But is it Part 7 or Part 3 World?
Cerabret100 : generally loser pays reperation as punishment
awesomepanda0501 : SwiftRage
loserlemby : Cheer100 Just a BIT more eh, eh?
Noiscin : pART 3
DeadSoldier8 : yea germany paid reparations
CDLewey : Za. Warudo
AugustTyrant : ZA WARUDO
Hobo1001 : but Crendor was France here
Stewbedale : The engrish for The World
CDLewey : Wryyyy
Talismaniac77 : FDR's Loan Lease Program to the British?
zeazeta : ZA WARUDO
nothealer : ZA WARUDO
Archemiendo : wryyyyy
DraggoonLord : ZA WARUDO
bowomar : @crendor tell Sam to call his team ''Falling to Bits'' it's too good and he doesn't read
chat, it's not too late
THEUFUA : Muda da da?
salttea7 : We have to pay 10% of there income in reparations and lose 10 prestige
Archemiendo : Muda muda muda indeed
ZiggaWaTT : muda muda muda
SomethingDatalis : Deus Vult! sbzyOrc sbzyManleee
StalkingWeasel : Sam needs to pay reparations bit by bit(pun intended)
DraggoonLord : @crendor ZA WARUDO is an anime meme
SevenYearLaughter : It's anime stuff crendor
Noiscin : I'm so happy
Zeroshin413 : Kappa1 Kappa1 Kappa1 Kappa1 Kappa1 Butts
awesomepanda0501 : my gf broke up with me yesterday, advice?
Grimmaizin : get a new one
carmelchaos : drink
Yaroslavsky : Drink
StalkingWeasel : stalk
Grimmaizin : and drink
CDLewey : Delete facebook, hit the gym, hire a lawyer
silfa144 : weed
LancerEagle : ask for her valentine's day present back
Grimmaizin : booze and weed
ZiggaWaTT : claim a waifu
Yaroslavsky : ALL THE ALCOHOL
DeadSoldier8 : dont get advice from us
awesomepanda0501 : nice
Talismaniac77 : Ignore. Move on.
StiggyButt : Move on
Lordrigol : Cheer1 Roses are Red, Violets are blue. I use Internet Explorer, how 'bout u? Happy V day Crendor
SomethingDatalis : Get a new one? Kappa
SevenYearLaughter : 3DPD, get a 2D girlfriend
Grimmaizin : Invest all your money into bits
StalkingWeasel : buy one?
jagfeldown : Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Cheer1 Rolled double 6s on a ghoul, do i take the +1 str?
SomethingDatalis : Last one was faulty, get a new one
Thesson : @awesomepanda0501, Marry her dad.
Zoidberg2142 : Kappa
Retorus :
Grimmaizin : Start raising goats
Zoidberg2142 : crendorFive TheIlluminati crendorHigh
StalkingWeasel : get a cat.
ChalkStorm : @jagfeldown for a necro team no but undead probably
Thesson : Become mr. freeze.
Flyingphish : I'm sorry Crendor , the launch codes were already entered before the peace talks started
StalkingWeasel : crendorCat
Nhork_Elad : you strained his groin...
Nhork_Elad : jeez